Mrs. Tara Lively » Google Classroom and Remind

Google Classroom and Remind

Remind is very useful if you (student or parent) need to contact me.  I will also occasionally send out information on Remind. Students and Parents should be automatically rostered into Remind this year. If you have any trouble accessing Remind for Spanish, please send me an email at [email protected] 
Google Classroom
For Spanish I: where you will find daily summaries of what we did in class, as well as information on homework assignments and upcoming assessments.  This information will also be discussed in class, as well as explained in person and/or on videos posted in Google Classroom.
It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the assignments and to complete them on time.
Google Classroom Codes for 2024-25

8th Grade Spanish 1 (High School Credit):     ic47bhx


Connections Classes: where you will find some of the songs, games, or other useful information (usually videos) used in class to learn Spanish.

Term 1 only

6th Grade Connections Spanish:     a4covdb


7th Grade Connections Spanish:    onq24rr