Michelle Cain » Mrs. Cain's Science and Math8 Classes

Mrs. Cain's Science and Math8 Classes

Classroom Expectations
*Be on time to class with all of your materials. Be sure to have your pencil, paper, workbook, and other materials with you every day because we will be working every day. This falls under READY and RESPONSIBLE.
*Be RESPECTFUL to EVERYONE at all times. No exceptions, no excuses!
*Keep your area neat and tidy. No slips, trips, or falls!
*Ask for help when you need it. I cannot read minds!
*Follow the school rules. Refer to the Student Handbook as needed.
  1. Warning
  2. Student–teacher conference and a call home.
  3. After-school detention and a call home.
  4. After-school detention and a call home–again
  5. Office referral

Your goal should be to do the BEST you can on EVERY assignment and RACK UP PBIS points!!


What will you learn in Science this year?? LOTS!!

*Interactions of Energy and Matter (energy transformations; heat transfer; electric and magnetic forces)

*Structure and Properties of Matter (atomic structure and movement of particles; chemical and physical  properties and changes)       

*Waves  (properties and propagation of waves; light and sound; lenses)          

*Forces (friction, gravity, electricity, magnets; force fields; conductors and insulators)

*Motion (force and motion; speed and acceleration; velocity; Newton’s Laws of Motion; kinetic and potential energy


What will you learn in Math this year?? LOTS!!


*linear relationships

*integer exponents


*real numbers




Grading Policy:

Summative 60%  (tests,"big" labs, essays, projects)

Formative 40%    (daily work, labs, vocabulary)

(A benchmark test may replace a lower summative grade per District guidelines.)

Summative assessments, besides projects and labs, may be retaken ONE time IF remediation work is requested, completed, and shown to me. Remediation work and re-test deadlines will be given. The summative assessment can only be re-taken during the current grading period.

Keep up with your assignments. Late and unfinished assignments are not helpful to you or to me. This falls under the RESPONSIBLE, READY and RESPECT categories. Late work will lose 10 points if turned in within 1 school day. Work turned in 2 days late or later will lose 20 points. Any work not turned in by the cut-off date for the grading period will not be accepted.

Students are responsible for checking Google Classroom for assignments if they are absent. All assignments are expected to be completed within 5 days of returning to school.

Materials Needed:

*Each student will need a pencil, loose-leaf paper in a binder with dividers to separate subjects, colored pencils, a calculator (4-function is fine), and a small pair of scissors. 

*On occasion, I may request that some items for labs be brought from home. These would be items like paper towel tubes, clean empty plastic bottles, “Ziploc” bags, etc.

Restroom Visits:

These will be kept to a minimum during class. If you are in the restroom, you are missing instruction. I know emergencies arise, but I also know emergencies do not happen every day.


*Ask for help when you need it. Do not be embarrassed–be responsible! I ask for help all the time!

*Learn the vocabulary! We will make various vocabulary study aids in class. If you don’t know the word, how can you answer a question about the word?

*Check Google Classroom when you are absent. Do your best to stay caught up with your assignments. 

codes: 1st period science: rbb3kdn

2nd period science: 5q2oynu

5th period science: hbexrkw

6th period math: cu5igvu



Contact Information during school hours:

[email protected]

(706) 541-1252