About Me
Hey Raider Parents!
Here at CMS we are constantly working to help our Raiders RISE! All students in 6th-8th grades are involved in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies Unit-Based ACE Case learning experiences this year provided by the Columbia County School District in an effort to maintain our course through the Georgia Standards of Excellence and provide us insight into ENRICHing child’s mastery of the grade-level standards. The rigor in the classroom is at a high level as we are dedicating ourselves to empowering our students to be socially responsible citizens who are prepared to meet the rigor of the 21st Century career pathways. I am here to support teachers by collaborating with teachers and creating life-long lessons that ENGAGE, ENRICH, AND INSPIRE!
Feel free to contact me at any time for instructional support: [email protected]
Thank you for your commitment to engaging instruction,
Ashia Smith ~Instructional Specialist